du 13 février 2025 au 15 février 2025
L’équipe de 3IA Côte d’Azur vous donne rendez-vous au World AI Cannes Festival, qui réunit les acteurs et entreprises qui conçoivent aujourd’hui les stratégies d’intelligence artificielle les plus innovantes et impactantes au monde.
À cette occasion, les Instituts Interdisciplinaires d’Intelligence Artificielle (3IA), désormais reconnus sous l’appellation "IA-cluster", se réuniront au WAICF : 3IA Côte d’Azur / ANITI / MIAI-cluster / PRAIRIE.
Venez découvrir les start-ups issues de la recherche académique, en apprendre davantage sur les formations en IA (EFELIA) et échanger sur des projets scientifiques de pointe avec des chercheurs de renommée internationale.
Les équipes du CNRS et d’INRIA, engagées dans le développement de partenariats, le transfert de technologies et l’innovation, seront ravies de discuter avec vous des opportunités de collaboration.
Retrouvez-nous sur notre stand K10 !
Jeudi 13 février
- Innovation
OneTreck®: Cyril Wyon-Boyault, CEO - Ph.D., and Mathilde Proponnet-Guerault, COO - Ph.D. (MIAI Cluster IA)
▸ From 9:00 am – 10:30 am
Medical deserts, Digital twins, Embedded technology, AI for healthcare, Dual applications, resilience
OneTreck® develops medical oases for isolated environments, providing diagnostic and prescription support for medical personnel (rural areas, war zones, natural disasters, space exploration).
FairVision: Jean-Michel FELDERHOFF, CEO, and Billel MIDOUNI, Computer Vision / Deep Learning Engineer (3IA Côte d’Azur)
"Live the game, Master the play with Argos"
Abstract: Inspired by the Greek god "ARGOS Panoptes", renowned for his unrivalled vigilance with a hundred eyes, this revolutionary system takes sports analysis into a new era.
▸ From 10:30 am to 2:00 pm
SPLEAT: Edgar Lemaire (PhD) Co-founder & CEO @ AICO Technology (3IA Côte d’Azur)
"Ultra-low-power bio-mimetic AI system applied to gesture recognition"
Abstract: This is a demonstration of gesture recognition using artificial intelligence, carried out with an entirely neuromorphic tool chain (i.e. inspired by the functioning of the biological brain), from sensor to processor. An event-driven camera (also known as an artificial retina) films the user and transmits the data to our SPLEAT neuromorphic processor, which emulates a bio-inspired neural network (SNN) to determine the user's gesture from 11 pre-defined possibilities. The use of end-to-end neuromorphic technologies enables unprecedented energy savings for the entire system, which consumes around 100 mW in total, compared with around 5 W for a conventional system - a reduction by a factor of 50. These same savings can be applied to more concrete use cases, such as voice transcription, autonomous navigation for drones, etc.
▸ From 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Facila: Valeriya STRIZHKOVA, Research Scientist | Computer Vision and Deep Learning (3IA Côte d’Azur)
We will present two interactive demonstrations showcasing how AI can enhance voice
1. "Facile à prononcer": Easier pronunciation starts here. Users select a French phrase and pronounce it while the app analyzes their speech. It detects mispronounced phonemes and incorrect muscle use, providing real-time feedback with precise corrections.
2. "Facile à chanter": Easier vocal control begins with this demo. Users engage in a vocal warm-up exercise while the app evaluates pitch accuracy and suggests muscle adjustments, helping them articulate more clearly and refine their singing technique.
▸ From 4:30 pm to 6:00 pmInn’Pulse: Rafael Luis DA SILVA and Pierre-Henri CADET (3IA Côte d’Azur)
▸ From 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
LiteSens: Jonathan Baudot, Project sponsor (MIAI Cluster IA)
Frugal AI, ambient computer vision, very low power consumption
LiteSense aims to democratize frugal ambient AI, i.e. intelligent applications that interact with the physical world continuously (via image sensors) and with very low power consumption.
We are looking for industrial partners to bring value in autonomous applications (no need for any connection) running on batteries or solar panels.
▸ From 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Recherche
- 3IA Techpool (3IA Côte d’Azur)
▸ From 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Maria Zuluaga, Chairholder, and Vincenzo Marciano, Ph.D. (3IA Côte d’Azur)
"Can we trust AI when it comes to healthcare?"
Abstract: The increasing reliance on AI in medical imaging has introduced significant advancements in diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning. However, once deployed, the effectiveness of these AI-driven models must be continuously validated to ensure their reliability in clinical settings. This raises the question: Can we trust AI in medical imaging? The need for rigorous quality control (QC) models is imperative to assess the performance of nowadays segmentation algorithms. These QC models must be capable of evaluating the accuracy and consistency of AI-generated segmentations, ensuring that they meet clinical standards.
▸ From 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Nicolas CHAHINE, AI research scientist (PR[AI]RIE)
"Boosting image quality with the best of modern deep learning and optimization approaches"
Abstract: Where modern machine learning meets physical models of image formation and optimization methods for inverse problems: Enhance Lab exploits the latest research results in computer vision, machine learning and optimization from world-renown scientists at ENS-PSL and Inria. Its software performs joint demosaicing, denoising, super-resolution and HDR imaging from raw image bursts, with unmatched performance on real bursts acquired by hand-held devices such as smartphone cameras.
▸From 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
▸From 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Seongro YOON, Ph.D., and Tomasz STANCZYK, PH.D. (3IA Côte d’Azur)
"Comprehensive Emotion Understanding and Applications"
Abstract: Recently, understanding human emotions has been highly anticipated for its utility, ranging from psychological or cognitive understanding to various marketing analyses. In the field of artificial intelligence, as a huge knowledge model utilizing language and images of massive data has been successfully developed, research on understanding highly complex human psychology has finally begun actively. In this study, we aim to increase the machine's understanding of human emotional states by obtaining various physiological signals from humans and utilizing various forms of modeled huge knowledge corresponding to them.
▸ From 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
Deborah DORE, Ph.D. (3IA Côte d’Azur)
"Argument Mining in Political Debates"
Abstract: Argument Mining deals with analyzing argumentation in various domains.
The ability of identifying argumentative components and predicting their relations opens the door to cutting-edge tasks like fallacy detection, fact-checking, and counter-argumentation generation. Argument mining is particularly useful in domains such as political debates where discovering hidden strategies behind someone' speech can help the public identify fallacies and manipulations. This will ultimately help voters make more informed and thoughtful decisions.
▸ From 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm - Education et Formation
▸ From 9:00 am to 1:30 am
École de l’air et de l’espace
▸ From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
EFELIA Côte d’Azur
▸ From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - Partenariat
STIP Inria (Inria innovation transfer and partnership department)
▸All day
Inria Startup Studio
▸All day
SPV CNRS (CNRS partnership and development department)
▸ From 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Terra Numerica
▸All day
- Innovation
OneTreck®: Cyril Wyon-Boyault, CEO - Ph.D., and Mathilde Proponnet-Guerault, COO - Ph.D. (MIAI Cluster IA)
Medical deserts, Digital twins, Embedded technology, AI for healthcare, Dual applications, resilience
OneTreck® develops medical oases for isolated environments, providing diagnostic and prescription support for medical personnel (rural areas, war zones, natural disasters, space exploration).
▸ From 8:30 am to 9:00 am
▸ From 12:30 pm to 13:30 pm
SPOOQS: Guillaume TOUBLANC, Co-founder & CEO (MIAI Cluster IA)
Video AI, 1-click AI video effects, face blurring
Spooqs is a B2B solution for boosting videos in 30 seconds with AI by adding visual effects
▸ From 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
LiteSens: Jonathan Baudot, Project sponsor (MIAI Cluster IA)
Frugal AI, ambient computer vision, very low power consumption
LiteSense aims to democratize frugal ambient AI, i.e. intelligent applications that interact with the physical world continuously (via image sensors) and with very low power consumption.
We are looking for industrial partners to bring value in autonomous applications (no need for any connection) running on batteries or solar panels.
▸ From 8:30 am to 10:30 am - Recherche
3IA Techpool (3IA Côte d’Azur)
▸ From 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Jean-Pierre Merlet, Chairholder (3IA Côte d'Azur)
"NN-PES, a Neural Network Parametric Equations Solver"
Abstract: The purpose of NN-PES is to find possibly *all* solutions for a square system of equations whose coefficients are functions of a set of parameters P that belong to a bounded region R. NN-PES may find very quickly possibly all solutions for any instance of P in R. NN-PES mixes neural networks and deterministic methods and the solutions it provide are *exact *(i.e. they can be obtained with an arbitrary accuracy).
▸ From 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Federica FACENTE, Ph.D., and Ezem EKMEKCI, Ph.D. (3IA Côte d’Azur)
"AI for 3D-2D Registration of CT and Fluoroscopy: A Step Forward in TAVI"
Abstract: TAVI is a minimally invasive procedure for treating severe aortic valve stenosis, where accurate valve replacement is essential for optimal outcomes.
During the preoperative phase, a CT scan is acquired, and the procedure is planned. The intervention is fluoroscopy-guided, but poor soft tissue visibility complicates guidance and valve positioning.
To overcome this, we aim to generate augmented fluoroscopies through 3D-to-2D CT-fluoroscopy registration using a cascade CNN, combining coarse and fine stages for accurate, real-time alignment.
▸ From 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Manesi KATTEL, Ph.D. (3IA Côte d’Azur)
▸ From 10:30 am to 12:30 pm - Education et Formation
École de l’air et de l’espace
▸ From 8:30 am to 6:30 pm
EFELIA Côte d’Azur
▸ From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - Partenariat
STIP Inria (Inria innovation transfer and partnership department)
▸ All day
Inria Startup Studio
▸ All day
SPV CNRS (CNRS partnership and development department)
▸ From 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Terra Numerica
▸All day